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10 Questions with Amanda Campau

February 1, 2022
by Beth Thomason

Amanda Campau

Senior Copywriter & FUEL Flame Award Recipient

She has a way with words… and branding… and strategy… and, well, you get the picture.

Amanda is an extraordinary storyteller who gives each project and client everything she’s got. She is committed to excellence and lives out the FUEL values every day. And that’s why she is the latest recipient of our coveted FUEL Flame award.

Let’s learn a little more about Amanda, what inspires her, and how she landed at FUEL:

1.    What do you like most about working at FUEL?
The people! We have a talented team that’s always open to collaborating and exploring new ideas, which makes every project different and exciting. And they got jokes, so you know working together is going to be fun. 

2.    What are three words to describe working at FUEL?
Entertaining – Like I said, everyone’s got jokes!

Challenging – But in a good way! The variety of clients and industries we work with keeps things interesting. 

Educational – I’ve learned so much from the people I work with and the projects we’ve done. I feel like it’s something new every day. 

3.    What originally drew you to FUEL?
The culture. Everyone is extremely supportive of each other, and we’re all encouraged to step out of our lane and apply our skill sets to different roles that interest us. There’s a lot of professional growth opportunities, and the work-life balance is deeply respected. 

4.    What is your proudest moment at FUEL?
I would say winning the FUEL Flame award was a pretty proud moment. It’s always nice to be recognized for your work and dedication. 

5.    How did you first learn about FUEL?
I was new to Greenville and looking for a copywriting opportunity with a local agency. I saw a post that FUEL was hiring, and the rest is history. 

6.    What’s your go-to for fresh ideas and inspiration?
Daydreaming and mind-wandering. My best ideas usually sneak up on me when I’m not thinking about anything in particular. 

7.    Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok?
Instagram all day, every day. Pretty pictures of food, pets, and places to visit? I’ll take it. 

8.    If you could meet/interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
I would be honored to share a meal and conversation with Anthony Bourdain. 

9.    What would be your last meal request?
A medium-rare ribeye, loaded baked potato, Caesar salad, and glass of rich cabernet. 

10. What did you want to be growing up?
A writer. I’ve always loved playing with words, and I feel incredibly lucky that I get to do it for a living.

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