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FUEL Becomes Certified HubSpot Solutions Partner

October 14, 2020
by Beth Thomason

FUEL, a marketing agency in downtown Greenville specializing in branding and marketing solutions, recently became a Certified Solutions Partner with HubSpot, the world’s leading inbound marketing, sales, and customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Certified Solutions Partners achieve certification after completing extensive training, demonstrating skill mastery, and proving their expertise with HubSpot’s marketing automation software.

As part of this rigorous process, Zach Chastain, FUEL’s Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, completed the HubSpot Certification Program. The certification is an 11-part course covering the four stages of the Solutions Partner methodology: Market, Sell, Deliver, and Grow.

“The certification as a HubSpot Solutions Partner further establishes FUEL as a digital marketing leader delivering the latest solutions to our clients,” says Meredith Kinsey, COO of FUEL. “We commend Zach for the time and effort he put into this certification and for his commitment to sharpen and advance his skills and knowledge on the HubSpot platform.”

FUEL works with businesses to implement marketing strategies designed to attract, engage, and convert customers, leveraging the right combination of creative content and effective digital and inbound marketing tools. Becoming a Certified HubSpot Solutions Partner allows FUEL to offer its clients the most advanced digital marketing tools to compete and succeed in today’s online business environment.

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